Sunday 15 July 2018

Irregular menstrual periods can be linked to serious diseases

Regularity of the monthly menstrual periods helps women understand that they are not pregnant, but also that they are healthy and that everything is normal in their bodies (no matter how uncomfortable the menstruation periods are). Irregular menstrual periods can be linked to serious diseases, so it's good not to ignore the obvious signs. Every woman is different and knows her own body, so she can see if something changes from one month to another.

5 signs of irregular menstrual periods that can be linked to serious diseases.
Although illness or increased stress can affect the regularity of the menstrual periods, there are 5 signs that may indicate the presence of a more serious problem.

1. Excessive or long bleeding
Fibroids are benign uterine tumors. Very common among women at the age of reproduction, they are formed on the walls of the uterus, for unknown causes to the allopathic medicine.

Existence of fibrotic tumors can make the menstrual periods last longer than 7 days and/or show more abnormal bleeding.

A multinational study conducted in 2012 has observed over 21,000 women aged between 15 and 49 during menstruation and analyzed their monthly symptoms.
The researchers found that women with fibrous tumors were more prone to the following symptoms, compared to women who did not have fibroids:
l  Bleeding between menstruation
l  Massive bleeding
l  Irregular menstruation
l  Longer duration of the menstrual period
l  Chronic pelvic pain
l  Pain during sex
l  Bladder pressure
l  Cramps during the menstruation

2. Irregular menstruation
If menstruation is not constant and does not seem to follow a specific schedule, the reasons may be listed below.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder occurring when there is an imbalance between sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
Small cysts are formed in the ovary, which eventually grow.
In the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, ovulation is not regular, as it should be. If ovulation is not regular, it means that menstruation is also not regular. This condition is common in teenagers and young women.

There is a correlation between blood insulin levels and polycystic ovary syndrome, because this hormone is partly responsible for testosterone levels in the body. Insulin resistance is a primary factor in the incidence of polycystic ovary syndrome and a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

Also, polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to infertility, but it can be controlled by weight loss, maintaining blood glucose within normal limits, sports, a healthy diet based on vegetables and fruits, and the use of natural dietary supplements.

Women with type 1 and 2 diabetes often suffer from a reproductive function disorder.
A 1994 study gathering all the data recorded by multiple other studies attributes this not only to insulin resistance but also to the general hormonal imbalance that affects the function of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the gonadal gland.

Another 5-year study, which analyzed over 100,000 women, confirmed that irregular menstrual periods or very long menstruation are associated with a significantly increased risk of diabetes compared to regular menstrual periods cases.
A menstrual period that is shorter than 21 days also presents the same risks.

As seen here, irregular menstrual periods can be linked to serious diseases, therefore consult your doctor if you think that there are some major changes in your menstruation from one month to another.

3. Poor bleeding
Although it may seem an advantage, if bleeding gets weaker from one month to another, this may be a sign of prolonged stress or unusual hormonal changes.

A menstrual cycle with fewer bleeds is considered the one in which bleeding lasts less than 2 days or is characterized by only a few blood stains instead of menstrual bleeding.

Stress is a challenge that can often be difficult to manage by itself. Talk to a friend or call a specialist, do regular exercise, eat well, meditate, practice yoga, practice a hobby, listen to music, or whatever is making you relaxed and joyful.

Chronic stress can lead to serious illness, so it is important to identify healthy ways to manage it.

4. Unusual bleeding
Bleeding between menstruation periods and/or after sexual intercourse may be a sign of cervical cancer or pregnancy.

If these symptoms persist over several months, it is advisable to contact your physician doctor.

5. Sudden absence of menstrual periods
A low body mass index (under 18.5) can stop menstruation or delay the start of puberty.
Adipose tissue (fat) is the place where hormone conversion occurs. Different hormonal compounds combine and get rid of fat in the blood. Too little body fat means that the necessary hormones do not occur and do not spread.

A 2014 study conducted on teenagers with eating disorders showed that a healthy BMI in humans is between 18.5 and 24.9. Any value that is out of this interval may lead to irregular menstrual periods in women.

As unpleasant as they might be, menstrual periods are a way to monitor your overall health. If they become irregular, it is advisable to consult your doctor because irregular menstrual periods can be linked to serious diseases.

Sunday 8 July 2018

How Your Belly Fat Is Linked to Your Immune System

Getting fatter is always linked to the inappropriate diet rich in sugar, fats, carbs, and low in antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. Everyone knows that too much fat is dangerous and it's affecting the health. In this article you'll learn how your belly fat is linked to your immune system.

How Your Belly Fat Is Linked to Your Immune System
Every person, even those skinny ones, has a sheet of fat mass on the abdomen. This fat mass has a very important role for the immune system.
In this sheet of fat mass named 'omentum', which connects the abdomen with all the organs inside it, such as the spleen, liver, colon, and stomach, it has been found during some studies the presence of some clumps of immune system cells.

Back in the 1874 was when the scientists have discovered these cells in rabbits. More specifically, these clump of immune system cells were named 'milky spots' and have been shown that there role is to filter the fluid from the abdomen which seems to circulate between organs.

These clumps of cells are gathering all the bacteria, microbes, cells, and antigens before offering an immune response, if needed.

Interestingly, there is a form of cancer that attacks this 'omentum' (fat mass sheet that covers the abdomen).
'Omentum' cancer is rare and commonly there are other forms of cancer that can spread to this fat mass sheet on the abdomen, such as ovarian cancer or gastrointestinal cancers.

Troy Randall, professor at the University of Alabama, thinks that in the case of cancerous cells, this 'omentum' formation makes mistakes and it neglects cancerous cells instead of offering an immune response. Additionally, he says that once they are in the 'omentum', the cancerous cells begin to grow and to multiply.

Researchers are hoping that studying this formation of fat mass that contains immune system cells besides regular fat cells can be the answer in finding a way to treat cancer.

Fortifying your immune system.
Fortifying the immune system is beneficial for your health. Here are 5 easy ways to do that.

1) Diet
Following a diet rich in antioxidants is essential to support the immune system. A diet abundant in many fruits and vegetables, will bring antioxidants that fight free radicals (derived chemicals known for DNA damage and suppression of the immune system).

Choosing healthy fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids available in various seeds and fishes) instead of saturated fat (found in meat and dairy products) can help increase your body's production of compounds involved in regulating immunity.

For an additional immune stimulus, try to regularly add garlic (indicated in bacteria and viruses combat) and ginger (a natural anti-inflammatory) to your diet.

Drink plenty of water and keep away sugary drinks, such as alcoholic beverages and energy drinks.

2) Exercise the immune system
Regular physical activity can mobilize T cells, a type of white blood cells known to protect the body against infection.

In a study conducted in 2006 on 115 women, participants who did moderate exercise (such as walking) for an average of 30 minutes a day for one year had about half the risk of colds than those who have not exercised regularly.

3) Reducing stress
Chronic stress can have a negative impact on immunity, according to a review of 293 studies made in 2004 with a total of 18,941 participants. Analysis suggests that prolonged stress can greatly weaken the immune system and increase vulnerability to diseases.

4) Sleep and hygiene
Simply keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to get rid of the diseases. Make sure you wash your hands 15 to 20 seconds (using warm water and soap) before preparing foods or after you cough, sneeze, use the bathroom, or touch pubic areas.

Another vital healthy habit for disease prevention is a full eight hours of sleep each night that could help regulate immune function.

5) Herbs and supplements
Although scientists have not yet been able to determine whether vitamin C can enhance immunity, there is some evidence that this antioxidant can reduce the incidence of colds.

It is also known that stress drastically reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body leaving the body exposed to dangers.

Medicinal herbs such as Milkvetch (Astragalus), Echinacea, and Elderberry are recognized in traditional medicine to strengthen the immune system and fight colds or flu.

Sunday 1 July 2018

How Often Should You Eat Dessert If You're Trying To Lose Weight?

Just what you ate, but you feel the need for a savory dessert, full of whipped cream, chocolate or caramel! Although you know that it is not good for your diet, sweet appetite is stronger than reason, and you give it to yourself freely, and I do not know why, but this happens especially in the evening. So, how often should you eat dessert if you're trying to lose weight?

If you do part of the category of people for whom the sweet appetite is hard to master, I have good news for you. There are much healthier foods that will soothe your appetite without affecting your health and, above all, the silhouette.

Here's what healthy foods you can eat instead of dessert.

Raw honey, which is also called natural honey, coming directly from the honeycombs, can be used without any problems as a natural sweetener. You can use it in teas, in cereals, and with various sour fruits. But do not forget, it is recommended not to add honey to hot drinks as it becomes toxic.

Pears are an excellent substitute for processed sweets. When you are craving for something sweet, wash a small pear, slice it, and eat it as such.
It is a very sweet fruit, full of simple sugar, which is not harmful and which effect lasts for a long time, so you will not feel the need for something sweet anymore.
In addition, pears consumption is also useful in weight loss.

A smoothie of berries, for example, in combination with strawberries is another healthy alternative that you can consume instead of a high-calorie dessert.
Strawberries have up to 6 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit, and blueberries around 7 grams, so the amount of sugar in the blood will not grow much, and your sweet appetite will be satisfied.

Did you know that, in raw state or boiled state, the carrots are a healthy alternative to standard sweets?
They have a low sugar content and many soluble fibers.
If you prefer them boiled, then make sure you do not boil them too much because they will lose their fibers and you will not be able to enjoy the beneficial effects that the carrots bring to both the digestion, and to weight loss diets.

Stevia is a South American plant that is recognized as one of the best natural sugar substitutes, as a substitute for sugar in desserts, teas, or coffee.
Stevia has neither the calories, nor the harmful effects that processed sugar causes on your body.

Cauliflower has a sweet taste and helps lower blood cholesterol. It is a vegetable with a high Vitamin C content and helps the body to detoxify, while giving you a feeling of lasting satiety.

With a high fiber content, the beans are an excellent food that replaces the sweets.
Choose white beans because they contain proteins and have a low glycemic index.
In addition, beans contain the necessary antioxidants that protect against diseases, and thus help keep your health healthy.

Sweet potato.
The sweet potato contains complex carbohydrates that have a slow absorption in the blood, regulating the blood glucose level.
In addition, this vegetable is full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Drink a tea sweetened with honey.
Replace acidified beverages with plain water or tea.
Tea is extremely healthy and can be the ideal choice anytime at the expense of carbonated drinks filled with sweeteners and artificial dyes.
Sweeten it with honey to give it a better taste.

How Often Should You Eat Dessert If You're Trying To Lose Weight?
If respecting the dietary indication from the above, then you can eat a dessert every time when you're feeling the carvings for it.
The only rule you should respects is that you most definitely have to not exceed in terms of quantity of dessert.