Monday 23 March 2020

How do we take care of our health?

Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Are you leading a healthy lifestyle? Or is it “a healthy way of living” the upper goal that you’ve established a long time ago and still couldn’t reach it? Yes, a lot of us can relate to that situation and it brings some comfort to us knowing that there are other people in the same situation as we are.

Personally, I think that the most important question here is what does healthy really mean to each and every one of us? To this last question, people’s opinions are definitely divided: women would argue that a healthy lifestyle means eating properly, while men would say that healthy means a well-trained body and a lot of physical activity. But I would say that leading a healthy lifestyle means a perfect ecquilibrium between physical and mental health.

To many of us, healthy living could seem a goal or a dream, because we know – temptations and laziness are all over the place. Add lack of motivation to these and you get the perfect excuses to give up our good intentions of leading a healthy life. Following a personal diet or an well-established fitness program is easy to develop but harder to achieve it. And then, there’s one big question that shows up: how do we take care of our health?

Health is a sensitive subject for all of us, but here are some great advice on how you should be more responsible with you and your lifestyle:

First of all, try or learn to replace bad habits with good ones. Bad habits are easily acquired, no doubt on that, and it’s always more difficult to keep up with the good habits than is giving into temptation. So how do we stick to the good cause? Finding the right motivation might help.

So if my goal is to lose weight, the right motivation would be to look hot for the new guy on town or to fit nicely into my new bathing suit. Let’s not delude ourselves with false pretenses, such as “I want to live healthy from now on.” If the goal seems impossible to achieve in a short period of time, then our motivations goes stray.

Secondly, pay special attention to food. We all have to eat well in order to give our body the energy and stimulation needed to go through tasks and fulfill responsibilities day by day, but selecting the right food to eat and cutting down the amount of fast food we intake daily have their own benefits. Try to stick to the bases – choose fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and some fat-free products. What’s more, try to develop your own healthy diet based on what you like to eat and what you should eat in order to acquire a good health.

Thirdly, do some regular exercises, because physical activity is a must if we want to take care or our health properly. You don’t have to bother going to gym or paying a personal fitness instructor as long as you are willing to give up some of your time and creating your own fitness routine. Start from easy to hard exercises and increase the period of performing them every once in a while. It will help you develop resistance and you will definitely feel and see the results after a few weeks!

Last but not in the least, take care of your mental health. This is the most important and sometimes hard to achieve goal, due to the stress and the busyness that we live in. We move so fast through life that we forget to stop for a few moments and just enjoy the simple stuff: the quite hours in the morning, the view of a clear sky, the time spent with the loved ones.

One sure way to be in peace with ourselves from a mental point of view is to practice yoga. Believe it or not, yoga restores the balance between our mind, body and soul, because its practices are based on these three elements that make us human. Reaching that inner peace and calm, controlling our breath and learning to be flexible with our minds and not only the body, these are benefits that only yoga can provide us.

But there are other things that we can do to take care of our health. These tips make not only our health better, but our lives too!

Drink more water. Our bodies are made of water and water is a vital element to us, so let’s take more advantage of it. Plus, water eliminates toxins out of our bodies and carries nutrients to our cells.
Sleep more hours per night. Just think of the times you were moody, depressed or you felt like energy was drained out of your body by an invisible force. All of that could have been caused by the lack of enough hours of sleeping. Try and develop a bedtime routine and stick to it. Keep your bedroom dark, quite and cold through the night.

Take supplement pills. Vitamins are very good for our immune system and can be a powerful source of energy and will. If you’re having trouble with your appetite, consider taking supplement pills. Also, if you’re trying to lose weight in order to get healthy, there are some supplement pills that can help you with your struggle and some of them are made of natural ingredients.

Ditch the bad influences and vices. Smoking, drinking, coffee and drugs, they all mess up with our health in ways we surely don’t want. Before you say no, try to apply the first rule on the vices as well: find an activity with which you can replace them. For example, if you smoke, chew gum, if you drink, eat fruits or find the right combinations that will work only for you.

Keep in mind that health is not something we should take for granted and we shouldn’t be interested in only when we see it’s starting to do down.

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