Sunday 27 May 2018

How to realize your liver is ill?

Fats from foods, alcohol, smoke, and stress plays an essential role in liver health. Hepatic steatosis, a disease faced by more and more people nowadays, can be discovered by chance. To know when you should worry it is good to know how to realize your liver is ill.

The liver is detoxifying the body

The liver is a factory plant in one organ. Participates in the vital functions of the body, such as digestion, immunity, and cleansing, because detoxification cannot exist without liver. If nutrition and physical activity are not suited to individual physiology, internal organs store fat because our bodies don't store sugars but they turn it into fats and storage the fats on our internal organs.

Liver fat storage is called fatty liver or liver steatosis in medical terms

Charging the liver with overwhelming tasks causes a disruption of its functions and a slower metabolism.

Fat on internal organs is the one leading to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic X syndrome.

'Excessive consumption of lipids of all kinds, from animals or vegetables, also leads to the storage of fats on the internal, subcutaneous, and circulation organs. Stress is a contributing factor to most physical and emotional illnesses, and it is a fact of modern times,' says the specialists.

How to realize your liver is ill

First of all, we need to know that the liver does not hurt (there is now pain at the level of the liver), except under serious pathologies, such as liver cancer.

Pain occurs through the compression of neighboring organs. The gallbladder, in popular terms the bile, can hurt within several types of diseases such as bile dyskinesia, bile dyspeptic syndrome, and gallstones (biliary lithiasis - bile stones in popular terms).

Symptoms that occur when the liver is affected are:

l  nausea and vomiting
l  lack of appetite
l  continuous feeling of bloating
l  skin staining
l  sometimes a decrease in energy

At the same time, the eyes may turn yellowish, the urine darkens, and the feces are discolored.

The main risk factor that can cause an ill liver

The liver may be particularly affected by hepatic viruses. Unfortunately, the incidence of hepatitis B and C in some areas is increasing and the viral type is aggressive.

Moreover, alcohol and fat consumption are very toxic for the liver. Both are metabolized in the liver by the same enzyme. Next come the fast food, smoking, and drug use, which are also extremely unhealthy for the liver.

Allowed food

The liver is protected by eating green vegetables, animal proteins, such as egg whites, low-fat fermented dairy products, and lean meat.

At the same time, eating a small amount of food helps digestion, hence the liver.

Consuming unprocessed and slightly processed foods can be beneficial. At the same time, the consumption of vitamin C and vegetable juices are good for the liver.

Food that can cause illnesses of the liver

Products that are bad for the liver are fried foods, processed foods, canned foods, fats, alcohol in combination with fats, sweets in combination with certain dishes, and many more.

'The liver is a fundamental organ for the body. It is that organ that, as medical history says, regenerates by its own. We all have to take care of the function of the liver, but especially children, pregnant women, and people working in a toxic environment should pay great attention to their livers.

Nutrition is part of acute or chronic viral hepatitis. Inappropriate nutrition, that is to say, fast foods, excess fatty food, alcohol, affects hepatic function and prognosis of hepatitis. Hepatitis A is the easiest form of the five types and is not chronic. It is transmitted by dirty hands, the transmission being done orally. Types B and C are chronic and can take serious forms,' says a physician.

In conclusion

A combination of aspects, such as yellowish skin and eyes, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, continuous feeling of bloating, lack of energy, darkened urine, and discolored feces, are how to realize your liver is ill.

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